Nguyễn Tiến Cường (Carlo Nguyen)

Director, Innovation Center VNPT Group
Executive Board, Forum Machine Learning Cơ bản

Nguyễn Tiến Cường (Carlo Nguyen) is currently Deputy Director of Research and Development Center, VNPT Group; Director of Innovation Center (, VNPT-IT Company at Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), Hanoi, Vietnam. He is also an Executive Board at Forum Machine Learning Cơ bản & a member of the Advisory Council of the Program "Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications in Ho Chi Minh City in the period 2020-2030".

Previously, Carlo Nguyen was a Researcher at Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore; a Researcher (Collaborative Project) at University of Illinois, USA. He took MSc from the UK; MBA from the US and graduated from the Honors Program of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Viet Nam